Learn the basics of system setup, configuration, and administration. Or, if you're a developer, learn how to migrate to DevOps.

Labs in this category focus on the best practices in setting up server systems, as well as how to maintain these systems over their lifetimes. Whether you're new to IT administration or are a developer who needs to better understand the deployment environment, there is something here for you. These labs have you configure real systems software in a virtualized environment—the same software you would utilize on the job.

Learn the basics of system setup, configuration, and administration. Or, if you're a developer, learn how to migrate to DevOps. Labs in this package focus on the best practices in setting up server systems, as well as how to maintain these systems over their lifetimes. Whether you're new to IT administration or are a developer who needs to better understand the deployment environment, there is something here for you. These labs have you configure real systems software in a virtualized environment—the same software you would utilize on the job.

This package includes all labs in the IT and DevOps category, as well as all new labs in the category released during your subscription period.


Specific prerequisites vary by lab, but familiarity with the Unix and Windows command line is helpful.

Expected Duration

11.5 hours, self-paced. Pause and continue at any time.
11.5 CPEs awarded on successful completion.


$735 for 6 months of access.

Training Package